In Comilla, 9 teenagers got bicycles after praying at Jamaat. At the initiative of Halgaon Jame Mosque in Comilla's Burichang Upazila, boys aged 8 to 20 performed all the prayers with Jamaat for 41 consecutive days with Takbir Ula. 39 people participated in the competition and 9 people became the winners.
Bicycle prizes were given among the winners on Friday at the initiative of the Friday Mosque Committee. The winners are Md. Simon Islam Sunny, Fahim, Shant, Mahibullah, Rizwan, Saeed, Mehedi Hasan, Minhaj and Tajjid from Halgaon village.
Nimsar Junab Ali University College Assistant Professor and President of the Mosque Committee was the chief guest at the award ceremony. Monirul Haque. Md. Was the special guest. Abdul Jalil, Md. Monirul Islam, Nurul Islam and Md. Shah Alam.