Chris Noth has been accused of sexual assault for the fourth and the victim reveals shocking details that will give you goosebumps. As per reports, the victim accused that The Sex And The City star had threatened her to ruin her career if she reveal the alleged attack on her in 2002. Singer and composer Lisa Gentile in a virtual press conference told that Noth had insisted on following her up to her New York apartment, where he allegedly groped her and forced her to touch him. She said, " Then he became more aggressive and put both hands on my breasts and began squeezing them very hard over my shirt. I was trying to get him to stop. Then he forced my hands to pull up his shirt exposing his belly, and then even harder he pushed my hands down toward his penis. I finally managed to push him away and get out of his grasp and yell 'No, I don't want this. He became extremely angry and started screaming and calling me a tease and a bitch." Lisa Gentile's lawyer Gloria Allred said that her client won't be able to file a complaint because this incident happened almost twenty years ago she is barred by the statute of limitations. Allred also added that she hoped a law to be considered next month in New York, would open a one year window for victims sexual abuse to file a complaint even if the statue of limitations has expired. As this isn't the first time Chris has been accused of sexual assault. Earlier last week the Hollywood Reporter published allegations against the actor from two anonymous women that sexually assaulted them. While one reportedly alleged that Noth raped her in his West Hollywood apartment in 2004. She was 22 at that time and went to hospital to receive stitches due to her injuries. The other women accused that she was on a date with Noth in New York in 2015 when he invited her back to his apartment where he allegedly assaulted her. A day later, reported by The Daily Beast, Noth has assaulted her in New York City in 2010 when she was 18. While Noth is yet to comment on these allegations against him.
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