Alia Bhatt is all set to join the cast of Netflix's Heart of Stone as she makes her Hollywood debut alongside none other than Gal Gadot aka Wonder Woman herself. Alia Bhatt is already one of the big movie stars in India, having won several awards to go with her many box office accomplishments, not least of which is her latest release, Gangubai Kathiawadi, directed by the legendary Sanjay Leela Bhansali, which clocked the second highest opening for a female-centric film, the third highest opening for a Bollywood movie since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is well on its way to cross the 100-crore nett mark at the box office while already being declared a clean hit by the trade. Making the announcement, international entertainment portal Deadline broke the news, writing: "Making her English-language debut in a major studio film, Bollywood star Alia Bhatt has joined Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey) in Netflix's international spy thriller, Heart of Stone, from Netflix and Skydance." Alia Bhatt herself shared this announcement snippet on her official Instagram handle. Check it out below:
Meanwhile, Netflix also shared the exciting development on its official Twitter handle in two separate tweets, with the first one reading: "Exciting News: Alia Bhatt will star alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan in their new movie Heart of Stone," while the second one was captioned: "*Pinches self* IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! @aliaa08 is all set to star alongside @GalGadot and #JamieDornan in the upcoming Netflix film #HeartOfStone!!!" Here they are...
Exciting News: Alia Bhatt will star alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan in their new movie Heart of Stone!
Netflix (@netflix) March 8, 2022
*Pinches self* IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!@aliaa08 is all set to star alongside @GalGadot and #JamieDornan in the upcoming Netflix film #HeartOfStone!!!
Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) March 8, 2022
No sooner than Alia Bhatt had shared the good news than her post was flooded with congratulatory messages from both fans and industry friends. Her forthcoming costar, Gal Gadot, too, took some time to drop a sweet reaction, leaving a "raised-hands" emoji on Gangubai's post.
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