Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are expecting their first child together. The couple announced the pregnancy by sharing a picture from the hospital and sent the internet into a meltdown. During that time, Alia was busy shooting for her Hollywood debut Heart of Stone with Gal Gadot in Portugal. The actress has now revealed how Gal Gadot and her husband Jaron Varsano reacted when she broke the news of her pregnancy. "When I called up Gal and I told her, I said, 'I'm pregnant and I'm coming' and she's like (imitates Gal), 'Oh my God, that's gonna be amazing'. She had such a lovely reaction. Her husband was with her Jaron and he was like, 'This is a good omen, this is a good thing that means like everything's gonna go really well, its lovely for the movie'. They were so lovely so supportive," Alia told Filmfare. Alia has wrapped up the shoot of her Hollywood debut and she expressed her gratitude to the team with a heartfelt note. She also shared a few pictures from the wrap with Gal Gadot and the crew. Alia was seen giving a tight hug to Gal Gadot with wide smiles on their faces in a selfie. She also shared a behind the scenes picture of her intense shot while she was filming. Meanwhile, Alia is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Brahmastra with her husband Ranbir Kapoor. The movie also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna among others. Brahmastra is a three-part film franchise and the beginning of India's first original universe, the Astraverse.
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