SS Rajamouli's RRR starring Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt, and Ajay Devgn is one of the biggest hits of the year. It was a Telugu film but was dubbed and released in various languages including Hindi. While it did very well at the box office, the movie started getting a lot of appreciation from West after it got its OTT premiere on Netflix. From Hollywood writers to directors, many took to social media to praise the film after they saw the movie on OTT. A few weeks ago, Jr NTR ad made it to Variety's Oscar 2023 Best Actor prediction list. Recently, the list was updated and now, Ram Charan is also a part of the list. While Jr NTR is in the 35th position, Ram Charan is in the 36th spot. Fans of both the actors are going berserk, and #RamCharanForOscars is even trending on social media. Check out the tweets of the fans below
Senior Member Of Hollywood Critics Association. 15 Years Of Experience As Oscar & Emmys Awards Analyst. Has to Make Corrections in the Predictions for ONE MAN. After the Demand of Audience, PEOPLE's CHOICE enters @Variety's Predictions ?#RamCharanForOscars @AlwaysRamCharan
Trends RamCharan (@TrendsRamCharan) September 16, 2022
Man Of Masses @AlwaysRamCharan has been picked as one of the top contender for the BEST ACTOR for OSCARS 2023 ??#RamCharanForOscars#ManOfMassesRamCharan
RamCharan FansClub (@AlwaysCharan_FC) September 16, 2022
NTR Placed On @Variety's Possible Oscar Contender List Consecutively FOR SECOND TIME ? He Jumped To 35th RANK From Unranked List ? NTR - PRIDE OF INDIAN CINEMA !#NTRForOscars @tarak9999#RRR #RRRMovie @RRRMovie #ManOfMassesNTR
NTR Trends (@NTRFanTrends) September 16, 2022
Not just Tarak Not just RC In my opinion both deserves to get nominated for #Oscars ??#RamCharanForOscars #NTRForOscars #RRRMovie #Oscars2023 #RamCharan #JrNTR
Rajesh (@rajeshkasakani) September 16, 2022
. RRR's box office collection made Ram Charan and Jr NTR pan-India stars. But, one can clearly say that even without making their Hollywood debut, they are pan-world stars now. Meanwhile, there have been reports that Jr NTR might make his Hollywood debut soon. Talking about their upcoming movies, Ram Charan has RC15 lined up which also stars Kiara Advani in the lead role, and Jr NTR has NTR 30 and NTR 31 lined up. Fans of both the actors are eagerly waiting for their upcoming films.
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