Actor Ryan Grantham, who has been a part of Riverdale and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering his mother. The actor pleaded guilty to murdering his mother in March 2020. Reportedly, Ryan pleaded guilty to shooting his mother, Barbara Waite. He had shot her in the head while she was playing piano. The verdict of the case was delivered by the British Columbia Supreme Court in Vancouver. Some reports also state that he considered carrying out a mass killing. Ryan Grantham has been making it to the headlines in the Hollywood news. Reportedly, his sister, Lisa Grantham, in court stated that her brother is a dangerous person. The final day of the hearing took place in June this year. According to reports, Ryan read out his statement in court and was emotional about it. He said, "I cannot explain or justify my actions. I have no excuse. It hurts me to think about how badly I've wasted my life." He stated that saying sorry seems so pointless. "But from every fibre of my being, I am sorry," he added. Here's how netizens reacted to Ryan Grantham's life imprisonment
#DiaryofaWimpyKid actor #RyanGrantham sentenced to life for K!ll!No his mother..?? Seriously .. this whole event is disastrous.
A v (@LetsGetWeiiird) September 23, 2022
What reason that made him do that?
just lazy girl dreaming (@imdarls03) September 23, 2022
Dean already warned "If I were you, I wouldnt mess with this kid".#RyanGrantham #SuperNaturalSeries #jensenackles #DeanWinchester #SPNFamily #supernatural #Riverdale
farha (@syedfarha19) September 23, 2022
According to some reports, after murdering his mother, he was on the way to Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, with the notion of killing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Reportedly, he was also planning a mass killing including one at his college at Simon Fraser University.
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