Priyanka Chopra Jonas starrer Love Again has created a massive buzz on social media. The much-awaited trailer of Love Again is finally out and fans are going gaga. The rom-com drama also features Sam Heughan and Celine Dion in lead roles. Bollywood's Desi Girl also shares the screen with her husband Nick Jonas. Watching the trailer that was released yesterday fans showered positive reactions. The story is of a man named Rob trying to find love again and a woman Mira who is whirling from the shock of her boyfriend's death. The two meet through misdirected text messages and what goes further is a hilarious romantic comedy. Love again is headlined by Sam Heughan and Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Interestingly, renowned singer, Celine Dion marks her debut with a romantic comedy.
Watch Love Again trailer
In the trailer, PC is seen going on a bad date with her real-life husband Nick Jonas, he doesn't play her love interest. Fans are loving their on-screen chemistry just with a short clip in the trailer. Reacting to the scene, a Twitter user wrote, "Your scenes together are awesome, just cute, funny and so awesome." Commenting on Nick's cameo another said "You were hilarious Nick!"
your scenes together are awesome? just cute, funny and so awesome??
Desiree ?? (@Desiree_R2) February 14, 2023
As the film brings three incredible talents - Priyanka, Sam, and Celine together, fans are excited to see the movie. One fan tweeted this will be the first movie he will see in theaters after the pandemic. Another fan already asking for tickets as she can't wait to watch Love Again. Love Again is written and directed by James C Strouse. The upcoming Hollywood movie will open in cinemas on 12th May 2023.
This might be the first movie I see in the theater since the pandemic began.
THEE Pfully Pfizer Vaxxed; Still Masking (@zeebap2) February 14, 2023
On the work front, Chopra also has a Bollywood film in the pipeline. She will star alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in Farhan Akhtar's Jee Le Zaraa.
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