SS Rajamouli's directed action-thriller period drama film RRR emerged to be a blockbuster in 2022. The film features Ram Charan and Jr. NTR in lead roles and Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn in cameo appearances. RRR film has been getting a lot of praise and love from masses across the globe. The film has also been getting love from the international film fraternity. Moreover, the 'Naatu Naatu' song won the Golden Globe for Best Original song and fans beamed with joy. Well, RRR and the entire team of the movie have made India proud once again. RRR won several awards in multiple categories at Hollywood Critics Association Awards 2023. This good news has come days before Oscars 2023 which will be held on March 12. RRR was also awarded in Best Action Film, Best Stunts, and Best Song categories.
Have a look at the tweets -
And the HCA Award for Best International Film goes to ? RRR#RRR #RRRMovie #RamCharan #SSRajamouli #NTRamaRaoJr #HCAFilmAwards #BestInternationalFilm
Hollywood Critics Association (@HCAcritics) February 25, 2023
And the HCA Award Acceptance for Best Action Film RRR#RRR #RRRMovie #RamCharan #SSRajamouli #NTRamaRaoJr #HCAFilmAwards #BestActionFilm
Hollywood Critics Association (@HCAcritics) February 25, 2023
And the HCA Award for Best Action Film goes to ? RRR#RRR #RRRMovie #RamCharan #SSRajamouli #NTRamaRaoJr #HCAFilmAwards #BestActionFilm
Hollywood Critics Association (@HCAcritics) February 25, 2023
The storyline and plot of RRR is about tribal leader Komaram Bheem and revolutionary Alluri Sita Rama Raju and their friendship. The film also stars Shriya Saran, Samuthirakani, Ray Stevenson, Makrand Deshpande and Olivia Morris in supporting roles. The music of RRR has been composed by
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